July Energy Card

Justice Card

This Justice card represents fairness, truth, cause and effect and from the description I took compassion, balance and structure.  I felt hard done by and what came to mind was justice will be served and from the symbolism I took the double edge sword that actions carry consequences.

This card is the good and true sign that justice will be served well and good this month.  If you have lost your battle and it was rightly so….move on!! Don’t waste any brainpower on the outcome, smooth the path now for the future now.

Should you be waiting for justice to be served in your favour, so be it.  Accept the judgement and now move forward, all will be considered with non- biased judgement.  Should you have an important choice to make choose consciously look for the answer that is most in alignment for the highest good of all.  Connect with your intuition and ask the question, what is the answer that is the most an alignment with the highest good of all?


Full Moon Energy Reading


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